On 31 May 2013 Staffordshire County Council was awarded £3.6m from the Government's Local Pinch Point Fund for schemes in the A50 to Alton Growth Corridor and Stafford (A518 Weston Road/ Blackheath Lane).
The A518 Weston Road/ Blackheath Lane scheme next to Beacon Business Park totals £2.507m and successfully secured £1.712m from Government. The remaining funding is a local contribution.
The Pinch Point Fund supports economic growth by tackling barriers on the local highway network that may be restricting the movement of goods and people. The Fund is intended to secure immediate impacts on growth and is therefore aimed at those schemes that can be delivered quickly as funding is available in 2013-14 and 2014-15.
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Unit G Beacon Business Park
Weston Road
ST18 0WL
t: 01785 256098
f: 01785 256116
e: info@espleys.co.uk